Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Services are available to any students in the Asheville City School system, beginning their Junior year, who may have special needs due to or related to physical, educational, or emotional impairment if it is determined that the impairment is a substantial handicap to employment. Eligible students may be those in resource classes (special education), reading, speech, and other support services programs; those with physical conditions such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, epilepsy, heart conditions, asthma, visual and hearing problems; or those with alcohol or drug abuse problems. Some of the services through Vocational Rehabilitation are medical and psychological evaluation and treatment; guidance and counseling; vocational counseling and evaluation; on-the-job training; tuition, fees and supplies for post-high school education and/or training; maintenance (room and board) transportation; work adjustment training through sheltered workshops; interpreter services for the deaf; tools and/or other equipment for training or employment; hearing aids and other prosthetic appliances; home modification; and job placement and follow-up.