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Password Support

Password Support


Employees of Asheville City Schools are responsible for maintaining a set of  usernames and passwords.  They fall under two categories.  DPI tools and resources and ACS tools and resources. 


Power School, Power Teacher Pro, SchoolNet and Teacher Evaluations are DPI resouces.  The username for these resources is your Employee ID Number (10 Digit #).  The password for this account is created by individual faculty members and has to be changed every 3 months.    To change your password in PowerSchool- login to MyNCEdCloud, click on profiles on the top left.  Then click the change password button near the top left.


Google Suite, logging onto your desktop and wifi, Canvas and MyLearning Plan are ACS Resources.  The username for these resources are typically your First.Last name. (Jane.Doe).  These usernames are created at the district level.  The password is created by individual staff members.  To change this password, find any windows based computer that is hooked up to the ACS network and log in.  After you login in press CTRL-ALT-DELETE at the same time.  Several options will appear on your screen.  Select the option CHANGE PASSWORD.  (When creating a new password it must meet a few requirements-  8 digits long.  Have at least 3 character types.  Can't use  the @ sign and you can't use a password you have used in the past.  If you are away from campus you may use this link to change your password.